5 New Year's Resolutions For Your Car
Posted on January 15, 2021
Nothing is more daunting than making and keeping a New Year's resolution. We all want to start the New Year out right by setting goals that will improve our lives over the coming twelve months. While you're trying to upgrade your current lifestyle, it is also a perfect time to also improve the life of your car! There are few machines in your life that are more important than your car, so working to make sure it is running at peak performance will benefit you and your family in a myriad of ways. With that in mind, North York Chrysler thought this would be the perfect time to make these 5 New Year's Resolutions for your car.
Read the Owner's Manual
Is your owner's manual still wrapped in plastic in your glove compartment? Well, it's time to break it open and dive in. Other than figuring out how to set the clock on your dash, your owner's manual is packed with important information including exactly how often to change your oil, the type of fuel to use, and when to get other auto services.
Check Your Tires More Often
Healthy tires mean a smooth and safe ride, so you should make checking your tires more often a priority. Check your car's tire inflation at least once a month. While your checking your tire pressure, make sure to look for tire wear. If you notice any wear, we suggest bringing your vehicle into the Service Centre. While you're here we can also rotate and balance tires along with checking for any alignment issues.
Keep it Clean
Modern life is chaotic, so it's no wonder that our cars can get a bit dirty both inside and out. While it starts only as an eyesore, a dirty car can actually start to cost you money quickly. A layer of grime and grit can wear down your car's paint and clear coat, which can lead to rusting. So try to wash your car at least once a week.
Stop Texting and Driving
It's not a car maintenance issue, but it makes for a solid resolution. While many of our new vehicles have the ability to do voice-to-text, yours may not. If that is the case don't text and drive. According to the CAA, drivers engaged in visual-manual interactions with cell phones (e.g., texting) are up to eight times as likely to be involved in a crash. If that wasn't enough to change your habits, roughly 27% of fatal crashes in BC were due to distraction, so make eliminating texting and driving from your life a New Year's Resolution for 2018.
Don't Drive Aggressively
On top of making you more stressed out, driving aggressively is terrible for your car. Quick stops, sudden acceleration, and other aggressive maneuvers cause tremendous wear-and-tear on your vehicle. This driving style will take years off your car's lifespan and also put you and your family at risk.
To learn more about how you can make 2018 the best year possible for your car, feel free to contact the service experts at CarHub. As well, if you need any kind of car maintenance or repairs, our Service Centres can accommodate and making an appointment is easy.