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How To Stay Awake While Driving - CarHub’s Best Tips

How To Stay Awake While Driving - CarHub’s Best Tips

staying awake while driving


Whether it’s a particularly exhausting commute home after overtime at the office or a lengthy weekend road trip, staying awake and alert while on the roads is essential for safety. After all, it’s a well-known fact that accidents are more likely to take place with distracted, distressed or sleep-deprived drivers. At CarHub Automotive Group, we are just as focused on driver safety as we are on providing you with fantastic new and used vehicles from our inventory. Before you jump into your CarHub ride and take off on an adventure, we have compiled a list of tips for staying awake and alert when you are navigating the roads.


1. Make sure you are well-rested before jumping behind the wheel:


Make sure you get a good night’s sleep the morning before a road trip, especially if you are anticipating long hours on the road. Speaking of road trips, we recommend embarking on your journey at a time when you feel awake, focused and refreshed. Avoid departing on your road travels late at night, or on the contrary- in the wee hours of the morning before the sun rises.


2. Don’t drive on an empty stomach:


We already know that it’s not a wise idea to head into work, school or to a physical activity without having a hearty, healthy meal, but this rule of thumb also applies to driving! Don’t drive on an empty stomach, as you will likely feel disoriented, drowsy and weak, and your hunger could distract you from the road ahead of you. Have breakfast before driving to work in the morning, or stop for a quick meal if you are heading up north with the family.


3. Take frequent pit stops on long drives:


If you’re transporting the kids to the cottage or on a family road trip, you may find yourself taking a frequent number of bathroom breaks as it is! Pit stops may delay your destination, but they are actually a blessing in disguise when it comes to safety. You’ll be rested after a few short breaks, and better equipped to get back behind the wheel and tackle the highways ahead.


4. Don’t drive when you are feeling emotional, stressed or angry:


As anyone who has driven home from a sudden bad breakup, job loss or argument with a loved one knows, emotions can be our enemy while in the driver’s seat. When we are angry or under tension, our mental state can be altered, and we are likely to have poor concentration or hand eye coordination. All of this can spell trouble on the roads, and it’s best to wait until you calm down before you hop into your ride. If you can, see if a friend or family member can drive you after a distressing day, as shaky movements and aggressive driving can lead to dangerous territory.


5. Curate a great, energizing driving playlist:


Who doesn’t love a pumpin’ playlist, particularly when you find yourself low on energy and stuck in traffic? Similar to how your car needs to stay fuelled, your mind also needs fuel to stay awake. This is where the power of music comes in-after all, higher energy and boosted spirits are always an asset when driving! With many vehicles these days also being compatible with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, getting the right beats into your car should be no trouble at all. From empowering songs to perk you up for the work day to hip-hop and rap for a party mindset on that road trip, a playlist will help to transform driving from daily task to daily adventure.


6. Have a second driver on road trips:


We all have that annoying friend or sibling who is a backseat driver, but have you ever considered that they may be an asset instead of a liability on the road? A weekend retreat with your significant other or a friend-cation doesn’t have to mean you’re on the highway to hell- try dividing the driving duties. This way, the entire squad is relaxed, well-rested and free of stress. Bonus- you can take turns splitting the responsibility of navigation, so there isn’t a “permanent passenger” manning Google Maps for the entire journey and feeling pressured due to that.


7. Of course, DON’T drink and drive:


We can’t stress this enough. According to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, impaired driving is strictly against the law. For drivers 21 and under, zero alcohol or drugs are permitted for those in the G1 and G2 licence class. For drivers above 21, you should not have a blood alcohol content that is over .08. Drinking and driving can have tragic consequences, both for you and your passengers and others on the roads. See the link here for more details from MTO.


8. Drinking coffee is okay though:


That’s right, we are all about advocating for caffeine consumption to help keep you awake and alert. Of course, you want to avoid dangerous levels of caffeine, but a quick coffee during a rest stop can help make that road trip a safe, stress-free and energetic one. Happy driving, and stay safe out there!

Categories: The More You Know

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